The Posts of the Year 2019
The most popular posts about dogs and cats this year. By Zazie Todd, PhD This page contains affiliate links which means I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you. It’s time to look back on what happened on the blog this year. Companion Animal Psychology has been going for over 7 and a half years now, with more than 500 posts. I love the community of like-minded people that has grown around this page! This year, I was honoured to interview several authors about their wonderful books: Dr. Alexandra Horowitz about her new book, Our Dogs, Ourselves (this was especially popular with email subscribers, being read by almost everyone) Dr. Mark Goldstein , about his book Lions and Tigers and Hamsters Cat Warren , about her book What the Dog Knows (which now has a Young Reader’s Edition) I was lucky to publish some amazing guest posts this year. There were two beautifully-written guest posts from Kristi Benson: making a living in the ...