Losing a pet at this time simply adds to the difficulties of the pandemic, says Dr. Shelly Volsche. Shelly Volsche's late dog, Calvin. By Shelly Volsche, PhD My Dearest Loss, Lo! How I love to hate thee. Yea, I concede I love thee. We cannot deny that 2020 tested us all. Social and economic instability, immense restructuring of our daily routines, wildfires, epic storms, and, oh yes, that global pandemic. “Trying” and “unprecedented” are understatements at this point. And with all that came a profound, punctuated loss of life. Human … and nonhuman. It is not my goal to diminish the human loss by turning our focus to nonhumans. Rather, I want to remind us that for many, the loss of our companion animals served to compound the difficulties of this year. Underlying most of my research is the concept of pet parenting . And no, I do not mean the tr...