Summer Reading: The Play Edition
Our summer reading list is all about play. Photo: MyImages-Micha/Shutterstock By Zazie Todd, PhD Why do animals play? In Dog Sense , John Bradshaw writes “In wild animals, play must promote survival; otherwise, evolution would select against it – a young animal that is playing out in the open is much more obvious to a predator than one sleeping in its den. However, the benefits of play do not usually become apparent until months later, when they emerge in the form of better social integration or more sophisticated hunting techniques (to name but two, which vary from one species to another). Again, the simplest explanation is that play is self-rewarding: in other words – it is fun!” Our summer reading list includes links to articles on play in dogs, cats, rabbits, meerkats and humans. Enjoy! Why people and animals should take time out to play , by Dr. Anne Fawcett. Is your dog’s rough play appropriate? Barbara Smuts and Camille Ward, PhD, explain the differen