Two New Interviews with Zazie Todd about Anxious and Fearful Dogs

I've got two new interviews to share with you about anxious and fearful dogs. By Zazie Todd PhD This page contains affiliate links which means I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you. An interview with Zazie Todd on Psychology Today Marc Bekoff, PhD, interviewed me about Bark! on his Psychology Today blog. Bekoff says that, "whenever I learn that dog expert and Psychology Today writer Dr. Zazie Todd has written an essay or a book on dogs I can't wait to get my paws and eyes on it." He asked me about why I wrote Bark! , who I hope to reach with the book, the main topics that are covered, and the changes I would like to see once people become better at reading dog's body language. I'm a huge fan of Marc Bekoff's books and blog, so I'm thrilled to have this interview on his Psych Today blog. You can read it here: The science of helping anxious, fearful, or reactive dogs . An interview with Zazie Todd at All Things Chihuah...