Beating the Boredom Blues: Sniffing Out New Opportunities for Dogs

7 scent-based tips to try at home - and the benefits for dogs. By Sienna Taylor and John Binks Photo: Heirloom Portrait/Shutterstock For many dog owners, COVID-19 has positively benefitted their relationship with their dog. Restrictions on human movement has involved us spending more time with our dogs, providing us with companionship and making us feel less isolated in these uncertain times. Greater restrictions have also provided a newfound opportunity for dogs to spend more time with their humans! For a number of dogs though, changes in routine can be unsettling. Here in the UK, we are currently restricted to exercising once a day only. With limited opportunity to walk our dogs and undertake less exercise, some dog owners may have noticed a change in their dogs’ behaviour. Pawing and nudging for attention, sitting and staring at you whilst you are working from home – sound familiar? My dogs’ favourite trick is to ‘say hello’ and bark during my video confere...