
At Companion Animal Psychology, I've been advocating for reward-based training methods since 2012. Here's how you can help.

How to support Companion Animal Psychology. Image includes the logo with a tortoiseshell cat greeting an Australian Shepherd dog.

By Zazie Todd PhD

I’m on a mission to help people have better lives with their pets. I believe that through reward-based training, enrichment, and better knowledge of animal behaviour we can help people have happier cats and dogs. If that’s something you believe in too, here’s how you can help.

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Why does Companion Animal Psychology need support?

I love writing Companion Animal Psychology, but I’ll be honest, it’s a ton of work--and the costs of running it have gone up. 

Writing Companion Animal Psychology involves staying up-to-date on the scientific literature so that everything I write is accurate and based on the latest information. I read lots of research papers so you don't have to!

Writing each post takes many hours of writing and editing time. It often involves reaching out to scientists or vets with questions. I keep to a schedule so that each post is published on time. Then I share it with my Companion Animal Psychology newsletter subscribers and on social media. There's a lot of behind-the-scenes admin. 

Plus, of course, there are the costs of maintaining the website and email list.

Unfortunately, advertising isn't a good way to support a website--as you know if you think about all those newspapers that have paywalls. Although I do have some ads, I vet them carefully. I don't use advertising channels where you can't control what the adverts are for, because I don't want devices like shock collars to be advertised on my site. (When I write for other websites, I have no control over the ads). 

I continue to write free posts here because I know that over the years, Companion Animal Psychology has made a huge difference to pets and their people. I want pet guardians to have a reliable source of  information on the importance of reward-based training and enrichment for dogs and cats.

So if you love what I do, here are ten ways to help. I really appreciate everyone who supports Companion Animal Psychology. Thank you for your support!

Subscribe to Companion Animal Psychology

My free email newsletter will let you know whenever I have a new post, either here or elsewhere. Newsletter subscribers are also the first to know when I have other cool things to share, like podcast episodes, talks, or other news. You can join over 4,500 animal lovers and sign up for the Companion Animal Psychology newsletter here

I know that your inbox is a special place so I will only send an email 1-2 times a week. I won’t give your email address to anyone else, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Support me on Ko-fi

If you love what I do, you can buy me a coffee on Ko-fi. Ko-fi does not charge fees and so it's a great way for you to say thanks with a cup of coffee to help me write the next post!   

Buy my books

If you’re a dog person, you might like my award-winning book, Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy. Modern Dog called it “The must-have guide to improving your dog’s life.” 

And if you're a cat person, you will love my second book, Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy which was published in May 2022. Ingrid Johnson (Certified Cat Behavior Consultant) says “Purr covers all the essentials to ensure we are raising our cats right!”.

My books are available from all good bookstores, but if you purchase via my affiliate link I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

If you're in Canada and would like signed copies, you can get them via Black Bond Books if you order with these links (select the Maple Ridge store):

The covers of Zazie Todd's books Purr and Wag

Buy the t-shirt

Yes that’s right, Companion Animal Psychology has a t-shirt and it was designed by the incredible artist Lili Chin. It features a stylized version of my cat Melina greeting my late dog Bodger. They were great friends! 

Check out the Companion Animal Psychology store to see the tees, tanks, hoodies, fanny packs (and more) in a range of cool designs.  A portion of all proceeds goes to the BC SPCA Maple Ridge.

Companion Animal Psychology t-shirt, shown in lemon yellow

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You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.   

Write a review 

Most people don’t realize just how important reviews are to authors, but every review helps readers know whether a book is likely to be for them. If you’ve read Wag or Purr and not yet reviewed it, please consider leaving an honest review on Amazon. Thank you!

A five-star review of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy on Amazon.

Send me an email

I love to hear from readers so drop me a note and let me know what you think of Companion Animal Psychology. If you’re an email subscriber, you can just hit reply. I love to know when one of my posts has helped you or a client with a pet.

Don’t copy

It should go without saying, but copying is not a form of flattery. Instead, it hurts writers and makes it harder for them to keep creating. And it’s illegal too. It means I have to spend time sending DMCA takedown notices instead of writing. And frankly, it makes me depressed. Don’t do it. 

If you like a post, don’t copy—share the link on social media instead or link to it on your website.

Many thanks to everyone who supports Companion Animal Psychology. I couldn’t keep this website going without you!

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