One Kitten or Two? 7 Reasons to Pick Two Kittens

Is it better to get one kitten or two? Here are seven reasons why it might be a good idea to get two. Photo: biburcha / Shutterstock By Zazie Todd, PhD This page contains affiliate links which means I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you. This is the time of year when many people get a kitten, and cat rescues are full with cats and kittens . These days, some shelters and rescues will actually insist that people adopt not one but two kittens at once. It turns out there are some good reasons to get two kittens instead of just one. Here are 7 reasons why. And okay, maybe the first one is a little facetious, but there are some serious reasons why it works so well to get two kittens. 7 reasons why it's best to get two kittens 1. It’s twice as much cute fluffy fun … if one kitten is adorable, then surely two is even more adorable? 2. So they can play together. Kittens love to play. They have a wide variety of play behaviours: pl...