
Showing posts from July, 2022

Fellow Creatures: Difficult Decisions at the End of a Cat's Life

Today I've got a new post over on my Fellow Creatures blog at Psychology Today. Peng Louis/Pexels By Zazie Todd PhD Having to say goodbye to your beloved pet is the hardest part of being a cat guardian. Today's new post at Fellow Creatures looks at some of the things to consider when you are beginning to wonder if it is time. Read it here: How to make difficult decisions at the end of a cat's life . 

Adopting an Overseas Rescue Dog: Tips from Unidos para los Animales

How Guatemalan rescue Unidos para los Animales ensured a good fit for dogs’ new homes—and what you need to know if you’re considering adopting a dog from abroad.  Linda Green takes some downtime to play with Dallie, a dog at Unidos para los Animales who needed a bit of a leg up to be comfortable on leash. Often dogs need a new, and specific, skillset on their way to becoming the well-adjusted dogs they are destined to be. Photo: Kristi Benson. By Kristi Benson, Special Correspondent If you’re considering adopting a dog who started out life in a really different scenario—outside, kennelled, chained, the list goes on—you may have questions and concerns: will the dog fit in as well as a more socialized pet? Is there anything I can do to ease the process?   A few years ago, I spoke about this very topic with my friend and colleague Linda Green. Linda co-founded and directs the Guatemalan rescue Unidos para los Animales (“Guatemala United for Animals”). Before changing direction in 2022 t

Is My Cat Happy?

There's an excerpt from my new book Purr on The Wildest . Photo: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock By Zazie Todd PhD This page contains affiliate links which means I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you   There's an excerpt from my new book, Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy on The Wildest , about how you can tell if your cat is happy .   Read it, and then if you don't have your copy of Purr yet, you can get it from these links:   Chapters/Indigo    Indiebound   Bookshop    Barnes & Noble   Amazon    Blackwells    Waterstones   In Canada, signed copies of  Purr  are available from Black Bond Books via this link: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

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