Let's Celebrate! Companion Animal Psychology Turns 4
It’s time to party! Jaromir Chalabala (Shutterstock.com) By Zazie Todd, PhD It is four years since I created Companion Animal Psychology. I started the blog in order to explore people’s relationships with their pets. One aim is to provide evidence-based information on how to care for and train our companion animals. Another is to bring the best scientific research on people and their pets to a wider audience. While there are many more excellent studies than I’m able to cover, I love to write about research that has the potential to make a difference to animal welfare and to the lives of people who interact with pets. The most popular post written in the last twelve months is re-arranging metaphors for dogs , while my most-read post of all time remains whether dogs get that Eureka! feeling? , with 17.6k shares (and still counting). Other popular articles from the last year include how audiobooks can help shelter dogs , six ways to entertain your dog indoors , and mak