Interviews at Companion Animal Psychology

Interviews with leading scientists, authors and dog trainers that you can read here at Companion Animal Psychology, covering canine science, feline science, companion animal welfare, animal behaviour, emotions, and enrichment for cats and dogs. Full interviews are listed here; there's also a separate series called The Writer's Pet

Talk about cats and dogs... Interviews with leading scientists and authors at Companion Animal Psychology

Dr. Marty Becker

"It’s the fact that pets have a broad range of emotions that we need to recognize.."

Dr. Marc Bekoff

Interview with Marc Bekoff on Canine Confidential.

Marc Bekoff, pictured with dog Minnie, interviewed on Companion Animal Psychology

"In some ways, my books can be viewed as a field guide to freedom in which I encourage people to unleash their dog as much as possible. Choosing to live with a dog (or other animal) is a "cradle to grave" commitment and we must remember that we are their lifelines."

Lili Chin

Illustrator Lili Chin pictured for an interview about her book  Doggie Language

“I hope that this book will help people see that their dogs are communicating all the time, and that they’re worth listening to.”

Mia Cobb

Portrait of Mia Cobb with her dog

"Certainly in my personal conversations, the question that gets people most concerned is what happens to the unsuccessful dogs? Because generally more than half of the dogs bred for working and sporting roles aren’t fast enough or successful enough in training."

Malena DeMartini

“Separation anxiety is fixable... If people just understood that this is fixable, and it gave them that hope, that would make me thrilled.”

Kristof Dhont and Gordon Hodson

Why We Love and Exploit Animals: An interview with Kristof Dhont and Gordon Hodson.

"Don’t simply trust your gut feeling about what works as an animal advocacy technique. What we have learned from scientific research so far is that human appetites and personal motivations are well safeguarded even against the strongest arguments and most powerful or disturbing images."

Jean Donaldson

Portrait of Jean Donaldson with her dog and a friend's dog

"There’s all these things that are to me this shifting landscape from ‘you have your dog under your thumb’ versus ‘are you doing right by him? are you making sure that he’s happy?’"

Dr. Lee Dugatkin

Dr. Lee Dugatkin poses with a tame fox

"They are the result of a genetic experiment of domestication and boy does it work. Because these animals, they live to interact with humans."

Dr. Sarah Ellis

Portrait of Dr. Sarah Ellis with her cat

"’s really about training for better welfare, to improve the well-being of the cat. Insofar as teaching the cat the key skills that they need to live in society with us. And without those skills they often struggle."

Dr. Lauren Finka

Interview with Dr. Lauren Finka about The Cat Personality Test

Dr. Lauren Finka and her book The Cat Personality Test

"There probably are a lot of cats that are living with us in our homes as pets that might prefer us to treat them more as an expensive lodger than a very attractive companion."

Jesse Freidin and Dr. Robert Garofalo

When Dogs Heal: Interview with Jesse Freidin and Dr. Robert Garofalo.

Photographer Jesse Freidin

Dr. Robert Garofalo of Fred Says
"By loving our dogs we are in turn learning to love ourselves. And by loving ourselves, even through sickness and trauma and stigma, we can survive."

Dr. Mark Goldstein

Interview with Dr. Mark Goldstein

"The goldfish story to me is the best way in my mind to get across to people who aren’t necessarily even animal people... how important animals are in our life."

Prof. Hal Herzog

Interview with Prof. Hal Herzog.

"One of the reasons why I study human-animal relationships is I think they offer a window into how we think about ethical issues generally... The same complications, quandaries, and paradoxes, occur in our relationships with other people as well. So one reason it’s hard to think straight about animals, one reason it’s hard to think about animals ethically, is it’s hard to think straight about many things when it comes to ethics."

Dr. Christy Hoffman 

Interview with Dr. Christy Hoffman.

Dr. Christy Hoffman interviewed about her research on dogs, cats and monkeys at Companion Animal Psychology

" kind of took me by surprise in the dog world that dominance might as well be spelled with four letters, rather than however many letters are in dominance."

Dr. Alexandra Horowitz

Interview with Dr. Alexandra Horowitz on Our Dogs, Ourselves

“A fuller understanding of the needs of dogs is integral to good living with dogs,” says Alexandra Horowitz, in this interview about dogs' sense of smell, dignity, and what happens at the dog cognition lab. Her latest book Our Dogs, Ourselves, was published in September 2019.

Photo of Alexandra Horowitz by Vegar Abelsnes.

Oluademi James-Daniel

Interview with Oluademi James-Daniel about Inclusivity in Dog Training
 “Representation is a huge part of inclusivity because if you don’t see yourself in the venue that you want to be a part of, it’s really hard to want to be a part of it.”

Sassafras Lowrey

Chew This Journal really came out of a desire to support people having more fun with their dogs and to make everyday interactions as enriching as possible.”

Dr. Patricia McConnell

Interview with Dr. Patricia McConnell about The Education of Will

“Individuals who’ve been traumatized have to have a safe space.”

Photo of Dr. Patricia McConnell with Skip by Steve Dahlgren.

Lori Nanan

Interview with Lori Nanan.

"We just kind of take for granted that they’re going to go along with things. And slowing down is as good for us as it is for the dogs."

Jane Sigsworth

Interview with Jane Sigsworth.

"I would always recommend, if there’s fear and aggression there, for clients to get professional help because a professional is going to get them through the protocol so much faster and more efficiently than trying to do it themselves."

Cat Warren

Interview with Cat Warren

"Scent work isn’t for every dog. Not every dog was meant to be a cadaver dog or a something else dog. Solo was a happy accident."

Dr. Carri Westgarth

Portrait of Dr. Carri Westgarth with four dogs

"However, nobody had ever asked victims why they thought they were bitten, and why they do stupid things to dogs. How can we begin to understand how to change people’s behaviour, unless we find out why they behave in this way?"

Prof. Clive Wynne

An interview with Clive Wynne about Dog is Love

"The dog is a highly social living being that needs to have company or else it’s going to be in psychological distress."

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