Bark! Fest. Canine Emotions and Perception: Marc Bekoff PhD, Zazie Todd PhD, Cat Warren

Sign up for this entertaining and informative event about dog's emotions and perceptions with Marc Bekoff PhD, Zazie Todd PhD, and Cat Warren. 

The covers of the books Dogs Demystified, Bark!, and What the Dog Knows on the flyer for the event

By Zazie Todd PhD

Canine Emotions and Perception: Marc Bekoff PhD, Zazie Todd PhD, Cat Warren

Discover the role of emotions and perception in dogs’ lives. In Dogs Demystified: An A-to-Z Guide to All Things Canine and the second edition of The Emotional Lives of Animals, Marc Bekoff updates our understanding of the emotions animals feel (and how we know they feel them). For people whose dogs feel shy or worried, Zazie Todd’s Bark! The Science of Helping Your Anxious, Fearful, or Reactive Dog is a compassionate and practical guide based on the latest science. And in the beautifully-crafted New York Times bestseller What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, and the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World by Cat Warren explores the extraordinary abilities of scent detection dogs and tells the captivating story of how Warren’s dog Solo became a human remains detection dog. 

Tuesday 17th September 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK time.

Register here. FULL.

The event is hosted by Zazie Todd and Kristi Benson

A recording will be available to all those who register. It will be sent out 72 hours after the live event ends.

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Attendees at the live event will have the chance to win a copy of Dogs Demystified: An A-to-Z Guide to All Things Canine by Marc Bekoff PHD, The Emotional Lives of Animals (revised edition) by Marc Bekoff PhD, What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, and the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World by Cat Warren and Bark! The Science of Helping Your Anxious, Fearful, or Reactive Dog by Zazie Todd PhD.

About the books

The cover of Dogs Demystified by Marc Bekoff is red with a drawing of a beagle lying down

Dogs Demystified: An A-to-Z Guide to All Things Canine by Marc Bekoff PhD, published by New World Library.  

An all-encompassing and fun reference from an award-winning scientist and dog lover

Dr. Marc Bekoff is an expert at turning cutting-edge science into practical, reader-friendly information. The encyclopedic entries in this book cover everything related to dog care, dog-human relationships, and dog behavior, cognition, and emotions, making this the accessible book that every dog lover should have. In concise, readable A-through-Z entries, Bekoff covers it all, from aggression to pack formation to zoomies, and explores why dogs do what they do; exactly how to meet any dog eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose, and ear-to-ear to understand their world better; and how tuning in to a dog’s unique personality leads to happier dogs and happier human companions. 

The cover of The Emotional Lives of Animals shows a group of wolves, including young ones, on some grass

The Emotional Lives of Animals (revised): A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy—and Why They Matter by Marc Bekoff PhD, published by New World Library.  

A seminal exploration of animal emotion, sentience, and cognition, revised and expanded to incorporate a surge of new science

When award-winning scientist Marc Bekoff penned the first edition of this book in 2007, he predicted that over time our understanding of animal cognition and emotion would grow “richer, more accurate, and possibly different.” Since then, not only has the field seen an explosion of new and startling research, but the popular interest in the subject has grown as well, spawning countless podcasts, articles, and bestselling books.

Bekoff skillfully blends extraordinary stories of animal joy, empathy, grief, embarrassment, anger, and love with the latest scientific research confirming the existence of emotions that common sense and experience have long implied. Filled with light humor and compassion, The Emotional Lives of Animals is a clarion call for reassessing both how we view and how we treat animals.

The cover of Bark! is blue and features a worried-looking Chihuahua

Bark! The Science of Helping Your Anxious, Fearful, or Reactive Dog by Zazie Todd PhD, published by Greystone Books.  

The must-have guide to addressing anxious, fearful, or reactive behaviors in your dog through positive reinforcement, from certified dog trainer and animal behaviorist Zazie Todd.

Is your dog showing signs of fear, anxiety, or reactivity, such as biting, food guarding, shyness, or aggressive barking? You’re not alone. Close to 75% of dogs struggle with fear-based behaviors, and require our support and understanding to feel safe and secure.

In Bark!, Zazie Todd provides solutions for these behaviors. Decoding the latest canine science, she shows readers how to address the root cause of your dog’s fears, with expert advice and practical tips on:

  •     How to tackle common canine fears, such as loud noises, the vet, separation anxiety, and other dogs.
  •     How to manage a dog’s natural fear responses through positive reinforcement.
  •     How to keep your dog, yourself, and others safe when they are fearful or reactive.
  •     How to create safe havens for your dog, and make yourself a secure base for them no matter where they are.

Compassionate, practical, and rooted in science, Bark! helps dog owners understand the many factors that might be causing fear within your dog, and how you can help them lead a safe and happy life.

The cover of What the Dog Knows by Cat Warren shows a chocolate Labrador and says New York Times bestseller across the top

What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, and the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World by Cat Warren, published by Touchstone

 A firsthand exploration of the extraordinary abilities and surprising, sometimes life-saving talents of “working dogs”—pups who can sniff out drugs, find explosives, even locate the dead—as told through the experiences of a journalist and her intrepid canine companion, which The New York Times calls“a fascinating, deeply reported journey into the…amazing things dogs can do with their noses.”

There are thousands of working dogs all over the US and beyond with incredible abilities—they can find missing people, detect drugs and bombs, pinpoint unmarked graves of Civil War soldiers, or even find drowning victims more than two hundred feet below the surface of a lake. These abilities may seem magical or mysterious, but author Cat Warren shows the science, the rigorous training, and the skilled handling that underlie these creatures’ amazing abilities.

Cat Warren is a university professor and journalist who had tried everything she could think of to harness her dog Solo’s boundless energy and enthusiasm…until a behavior coach suggested she try training him to be a “working dog.” What started out as a hobby soon became a calling, as Warren was introduced to the hidden universe of dogs who do this essential work and the handlers who train them.

Her dog Solo has a fine nose and knows how to use it, but he’s only one of many astounding dogs in a varied field. Warren interviews cognitive psychologists, historians, medical examiners, epidemiologists, and forensic anthropologists, as well as the breeders, trainers, and handlers who work with and rely on these intelligent and adaptable animals daily. Along the way, Warren discovers story after story that prove the capabilities—as well as the very real limits—of working dogs and their human partners. Clear-eyed and unsentimental, Warren explains why our partnership with working dogs is woven into the fabric of society, and why we keep finding new uses for the wonderful noses of our four-legged friends. 

About the authors

About Marc Bekoff PhD

Marc Bekoff PhD takes a photo with a camera with a long lens in a green, natural area

Marc Bekoff is professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, He has published 31 books (or 41, depending on how you count multi-volume encyclopedias) and has won many awards for his research on animal behavior, animal emotions (cognitive ethology), compassionate conservation, and animal protection, has worked closely with Jane Goodall as co-chair of the ethics committee of the Jane Goodall Institute, and is a former Guggenheim Fellow. He also works closely with inmates at the Boulder County Jail. 

In June 2022, Marc was recognized as a Hero by the Academy of Dog Trainers. His recent books include Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do, Unleashing Your Dog: A Field Guide to Giving Your Canine Companion the Best Life Possible, A Dog's World: Imagining the Lives of Dogs in a World Without Humans, Dogs Demystified: An A to Z Guide to All Things Canine, the second edition of The Emotional Lives of Animals, and Jane Goodall at 90: Celebrating an Astonishing Lifetime of Science, Advocacy, Humanitarianism, Hope, and Peace. (Many of his books can be seen here.) He also publishes regularly for Psychology Today. His homepage is In 1986, Marc won the Master’s Tour du Haut, aka the age-graded Tour de France.

Follow Marc Bekoff at his Psychology Today blog and on Twitter.

About Zazie Todd PhD

A portrait of Zazie Todd with her late dog, Bodger, an Australian Shepherd, holding a rope in his mouth

Zazie Todd PhD is an animal behaviour expert and award-winning writer. She's the author of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy and Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy. Her highly anticipated third book, Bark! The Science of Helping Your Anxious, Fearful, or Reactive Dog will be published by Greystone Books in October 2024. Todd is an honours graduate of the Academy for Dog Trainers, has an Advanced Certificate in Feline Behaviour from International Cat Care, and is an affiliate member of the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behaviour. She lives in Maple Ridge, BC, with her husband, a dog, and a cat.

Follow Zazie Todd on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bluesky, or Substack, or subscribe to her newsletter below.

About Cat Warren

Cat Warren in the woods with her German Shepherd Solo

Cat Warren is the author of the New York Times bestseller What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, and the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World (Touchstone). It was long listed for the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award. She also wrote What the Dog Knows for Young Readers (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers). A retired professor from North Carolina State University, she currently researches and writes about scent detection dogs and archaelogy. She lives in Durham, North Carolina with her husband, David, a German shepherd, Rev, and a Boykin spaniel, Brio.


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