The Slow Blink, Litter Boxes, and Why You Shouldn't Punish Cats
What does a cat's slow blink mean, and should we slow blink to our pet cats? I explain to CTV's Your Morning.
By Zazie Todd PhD
I answered that and other common questions about cats on CTV's Your Morning.
Watch it here or on Youtube.
The slow blink is a really lovely affiliative communication signal between cats - and they love it when we slow blink at them too.
As well, we talked about how many litter boxes you should have, why you should never punish your cat for going outside the box, whether adult cats meow at each other, why you shouldn't use a spray bottle to punish your cat for scratching furniture, and whether it's true that feeding just 10 extra pieces of kibble a day can cause significant weight gain in your cat over a year.