Fellow Creatures: Serving Up Truth Sandwiches about Dogs and Cats
I've got a new post on my Psych Today blog, Fellow Creatures.
Anush Barwa/Unsplash |
One of the frustrations of being either a pet guardian or a pet professional is that there are a lot of incorrect ideas out there about how to care for or train your pet. Some of them are downright dangerous and may result in a terrified dog or cat and/or in you getting bitten or scratched.
The post looks at how we can use something called a truth sandwich to make sure we stay focused on the ideas we want to get across. And I share a few 'sandwich' ideas of my own.
You can read the post here: Serving up truth sandwiches about dogs and cats. Read it and then let me know which topics you think are ripe to be made into sandwiches!