The Writer’s Pet: Jen Gilroy and A Wish in Irish Falls

Jen Gilroy on her dog, Floppy Ears, and her latest book, A Wish in Irish Falls.

Romance writer Jen Gilroy's dog, Floppy Ears, for an interview about her book A Wish in Irish Falls. The Writer's Pet
Photo: Jen Gilroy

No. 4 in the series The Writer’s Pet by Zazie Todd, PhD.

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Jen Gilroy is a romance writer whose heart-warming books always include animals of some kind. Her latest book, A Wish in Irish Falls, is about a bakery owner and a veterinarian who aren’t looking for love… According to Red’s Romance Reviews, "This perfectly crafted tale [is] a story of hope, healing, love and second chances.”

The Writer's Pet: Jen Gilroy and A Wish in Irish Falls (book cover pictured)

What is your pet’s name? 

My sweet dog is Floppy Ears, so named for her gorgeous brown “floppy ears” that are such an expressive part of who she is.

Type of pet?

She’s a rescue dog who was found in a local dump and brought to a shelter before we adopted her so her parentage is unknown. The veterinarian thinks she’s a Walker Hound and Beagle mix, though, as she has characteristics of both breeds.

What do you love most about your pet? 

Floppy Ears gives me unconditional love that makes everything in my world better. She’s excellent company too and is always up for a walk, play or cuddle.

What makes Floppy Ears happy?

Like most dogs (and hounds in particular) Floppy Ears is very food motivated so mealtime is always a source of happiness! More seriously, though, she’s a loving family dog so is happiest being with her family whether that’s lounging at home, playing with toys, out on a walk or going for a ride in the car.

Romance writer Jen Gilroy's dog sleeping: The Writer's Pet
Photo: Jen Gilroy

Does your pet help or hinder your writing? In what way? 

I call Floppy Ears my “author assistant” because she’s a huge and helpful part of my writing life. She snoozes in her bed by my desk as I work toward my daily word count, is always happy to go for a walk when I need to take a break to solve a tricky plot problem, and often features in my social media posts. She’s a calm and encouraging presence in my life and snuggling with her brightens even the hardest days.

"Animals help characters grow and change"

Tell me about your book.

I write romance and women’s fiction and my latest release, A Wish in Irish Falls, is a feel-good, contemporary romance set in a fictional small town with a wishing tree in the Adirondack Mountains area of New York state. Although it’s the second book in a series, it can also be read as a standalone story.

Both grieving losses, Tara, the bakery owner heroine who is a military widow, and Walker, the veterinarian hero who is new in town, aren’t looking for love. But with a little wishing tree magic, a special tree believed to make wishes come true, and a stray dog who brings them together, Tara and Walker might just find second chances in life, as well as love, family and community.

What role do animals play in your fiction?

Each of my books includes animal characters, usually dogs and cats as both have been important in my life. As in A Wish in Irish Falls where a dog brings the hero and heroine together, animals help characters grow and change and often (thanks to their unconditional love and lack of judgment) help characters learn to trust in themselves and others again.

"I call Floppy Ears my “author assistant” because she’s a huge and helpful part of my writing life."

What do you want readers to take away from your books?

I write the kind of books I enjoy reading and I’m delighted when readers describe them as heartwarming stories filled with emotion that make their hearts happy. Especially at this troubled time, I hope my stories, including A Wish in Irish Falls, give readers a bit of escape, as well as hope, comfort, and encouragement that second chances are always possible.

Where can people get your book?

Get A Wish in Irish Falls on Amazon Kindle (free with Kindle Unlimited) here: For US/UK readers, A Wish in Irish Falls is on sale for only 0.99 cents/pence from 23-25 October 2020.

Jen Gilroy, author, pictured for this interview on The Writer's Pet

Jen Gilroy worked in higher education and international marketing and business development before trading the corporate 9-5 to write contemporary romance and women’s fiction with heart, home and hope. After many years living and working in England, she returned to where her Irish roots run deep and lives in a small town in Eastern Ontario, Canada with her husband, teen daughter and a floppy-eared hound. When she’s not writing, Jen enjoys reading, travel, singing and ballet. She’s also known for her love of ice cream, shoes and vintage finds. Jen’s first book, The Cottage at Firefly Lake (and first book in her Firefly Lake series), was a finalist for Romance Writers of America’s (RWA) Golden Heart® award in 2015. It was also shortlisted for the Romantic Novelists’ Association (RNA) Joan Hessayon Award 2017. She’s a member of the RNA and Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA). Connect with Jen: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram 

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