Companion Animal Psychology Book Club March 2018

"...award-winning journalist David Grimm explores the rich and surprising history of our favourite companion animals."

By Zazie Todd, PhD

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The Companion Animal Psychology Book Club choice for March is Citizen Canine: Our Evolving Relationship with Cats and Dogs by David Grimm.

From the inside cover,
"Dogs are getting lawyers. Cats are getting kidney transplants. Could they one day be fellow citizens? 
Cats and dogs were once wild animals. Today, they are family members and surrogate children. A little over a century ago, pets didn't warrant the meager legal status of property. Now, they have more rights and protections than any other animal in the country. Some say they're even on the verge of becoming legal persons. 
How did we get here—and what happens next? 
In this fascinating exploration of the changing status of dogs and cats in society, pet lover and award-winning journalist David Grimm explores the rich and surprising history of our favorite companion animals."

Are you reading Citizen Canine too? Please leave your thoughts on the book in the comments.

The cover of Citizen Canine by David Grimm

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