Do Children Help Care for the Family Pet?
…Or does mom do it all?
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Photo: Samuel Borges Photography / Shutterstock |
How should children learn to take some responsibility for
family pets such as dogs and cats? New research by Janine Muldoon et al (University of St Andrews)
investigates children’s perspectives of the division of labour in relation to
their pets.
The exploratory study involved focus groups with children aged
7, 9, 11 and 13. The researchers planned equal numbers of boys and girls, but
constraints meant that 30 girls and only 23 boys took part.
The main ‘caring’ activity that children took part in with
their pet was playing with it. Some of the children were very honest in
admitting they did not otherwise take care of the animal. For example, one
13-year old girl, Isla*, said,
“She (mum) cleaned it and I just played with it.”
The older children suggested they played in a way that
included what the animal wanted, compared to when they were younger when they
treated it more like a toy. The children were vague, however, on other aspects
of animal care, even when saying they had responsibility for it.
While playing with animals is fun, it does not give a full
picture of what it is like to look after a pet, or help children develop their
abilities. The researchers say, “While most parents understandably want to
safeguard their children and their animals, refusal to let children take responsibility
where they want to (with support) ultimately sends the message that they are
not competent enough.”
Both boys and girls agreed that the owner of the pet should
be the one to look after it. However, when it came to who actually looks after
the pet, while girls tended to pick mum, dad, or children, boys were more
likely to say children and less likely to say dad. Girls were more likely to
suggest there should be some kind of shared responsibility within the family. Gendered
role expectations are apparent in the answers. For example, when asked who should
care for pets, one boy, Ewan* (age 13), said:
“I’d probably say the person who it belongs to, because it’s
their responsibility and mums because that’s what they normally do.”
Many children said they were not allowed to do some aspects
of pet care, either because they were not able to or because of issues to do
with the animal, such as it behaving in a way they would find difficult to
manage. They also wanted to avoid some responsibilities, especially the “disgusting”
jobs. Boys in particular did not want to do the job of cleaning up.
Rural children seemed to have more responsibility for
looking after their animals than children who did not live in a rural area.
The results show a tension between some children not taking
enough responsibility for pet care, and others who reported that their
relationship was less positive if they were involved. The challenge is to teach
children how to care for animals – other than playing with them – in a way that
is age-appropriate.
The researchers say, “our findings are strongly suggestive
of a role for educators in developing a model of care that specifies the sequence
of activities children can be encouraged to engage in to move towards more
comprehensive care. Guidance for parents on how to manage the process of
allowing children more and more responsibility may be particularly useful. A
fine balance needs to be struck between educating children on the full gamut of
caring for a pet, while supporting them so they feel responsibility is, and
should be, shared and not solely in their hands.”
When you were a child, did you help care for the family
Muldoon, J. C., Williams, J. M., &
Lawrence, A. (2015). ‘Mum cleaned it and I just played with it’:
Children’s perceptions of their roles and responsibilities in the care
of family pets. Childhood, 22(2), 201-216.
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*Not their real names.