Why Don’t People Want Pets? Part 2: Dogs
The AHA/PetSmart Charities study on barriers to the adoption
of dogs has some interesting findings (see last week for the results on cats).
The survey included previous owners (people who had owned a dog/cat before, but
at least 12 months ago) and non-owners (who had never owned a dog/cat as an
The most common source of a dog was from family, a friend or
neighbour (38%), with 22% going to a shelter and 16% to a breeder. As with cats, the main reason they no longer
had the dog was because it had died or had to be put to sleep, and the
second-most common reason was because the pet was given away, often because of
housing requirements (e.g. the landlord said no pets). More than half of
previous owners had had the dog for over ten years, and a quarter for between
five and ten years.
Amongst previous dog owners, the main reasons for not getting
a new dog were vet costs (30%), general costs (29%), lack of time (27%) and
travelling (26%). Amongst those who had never owned a dog, the main reasons
were cleaning (30%), lifestyle (30%) and general expense (29%). No time (25%)
and vet expenses (24%) were also cited. These are sensible reasons, and things
that everyone should consider before getting a dog. Only 12% said that they
didn’t like dogs.
Photo: Jaromir Chalabala / Shutterstock |
A fairly high number of previous dog owners said they would
consider getting a dog as a pet (45%), compared to a quarter of those who had
not previously owned a dog. Of both groups, more than half say they would go to
a shelter or rescue group to get their next dog; a higher number than for cats.
Younger people were more likely to consider a dog, as were those who had owned
a dog within the last five years.
For people who had not owned a dog as an adult, having had a
dog as a child, or another pet that wasn’t a cat or dog, made them more likely
to consider a dog in the future. This is interesting because having a cat as a
child had no effect on whether a non-cat owner would consider getting one, and
having a dog as a child made people less likely to consider a cat. This makes
me wonder if there is any difference in the relationship between a child and a
dog, and a child and a cat. Certainly it seems to be perceived that way, since
more than half of potential dog owners have a child in the household. Another
possibility is that people become ‘a dog person’ as a child and this perception
doesn’t change over time.
One of the most useful things about the study is that it may
help to target campaigns for cat and dog adoption. For example, promotions of
cat adoption are most likely to be successful if aimed at young adults, whereas
dog adoptions could be aimed at adults under 65 since a wider range of people
would consider a dog. Those over 65 did
not seem keen on acquiring a new cat or dog. Campaigns to increase the
availability of pet-friendly housing would also help, since this was a major
reason for giving up a dog. Rescue organizations will be reassured by the
finding that more than half of those who would consider a dog say they would go
to a rescue or shelter to acquire the animal.
I am especially intrigued by the findings relating to
children. Is there something special about the relationship between a dog and a
child? Do you have special memories of a dog you knew as a child?
AHA and PetSmart (2012) Keeping pets (dogs and cats) in
homes: A three-phase retention study. Available online at https://www.americanhumane.org/publication/keeping-pets-dogs-and-cats-in-homes-phase-i-reasons-for-not-owning-a-dog-or-cat/