Enrichment for Goldfish
What keeps goldfish happy in their tank –
and how do we know?
By Zazie Todd, PhD
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By Zazie Todd, PhD
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You’ve heard about the importance of
enrichment for companion animals (like dogs) and for zoo animals, but what about goldfish? Fish are the third most popular
pet - kept by 12.3 million households in the US - so it’s an important topic for animal welfare. Different types of fish might
have different preferences. A new study by Miriam Sullivan (University of Western Australia) et al investigates.
Enrichment “is particularly important for
goldfish and other pet fish for two main reasons,” Miriam Sullivan told me.
“One, people tend to underestimate how smart fish are, which probably means
they spend less time and effort on enrichment for their fish compared to other
pets like cats and dogs.”
“And two, fish health is really closely
connected to their environment. If fish are stressed out due to a poor
environment (e.g. if they lack shelter or you didn’t clean out the tank!) then
they become more susceptible to bacterial infections and other diseases.”
So how do we even know what goldfish want? One
way is to use a motivational test – something that requires an effort, so you
can objectively measure how much effort they will put in to get a particular
For example, an earlier study with Tilapia (Galhardo
et al 2011) involved training the fish to touch and push a door with their
snout to access different resources; increasingly bigger weights were added to
the door to find out just how motivated they were.
But this study tries a different method
that needs no training – using successively greater currents to find out how
hard goldfish will swim to access a resource. This method is especially appropriate
for goldfish because domestication has affected their swimming ability. As a
slow water fish, swimming against a current is hard work.
20 young Comet Goldfish (Carrassius
auratus) took part. Fish were individually placed in the empty middle section
of a special testing tank. On one side was a compartment with artificial
plants, and on the other, a compartment with real plants. The plants were
Bacopa and Ambulia, and the artificial versions were cut to size to match the
real ones.
Half of the fish had the real plants on the
left side, and half on the right, in case of a left or right preference. And in
fact 14 of the fish turned left first, but they did not spend extra time on the
left overall. The fish preferred to spend time in a compartment with plants –
real or artificial – and only spent 10% of the time in the empty part of the
For the motivation test, fish were placed
in a tank where they had to swim through a tunnel against a current to get to either
real or artificial plants or empty space. If they went through the tunnel, the
current was increased on successive occasions to see how hard they would swim.
In between each trial they had a couple of days rest.
11 of 19 goldfish swam against even the
strongest current for all three options. Of the remaining 8 fish, 2 preferred
the empty space, 3 preferred real plants, and 3 preferred either type of plant.
“The main implication for goldfish owners
is that it doesn’t matter if you use fake plants,” says Dr. Sullivan. “This is
good news because goldfish just love to destroy things, so it can be really
hard to keep live plants alive.”
“The only caveat to this is that in some of
my other thesis research, I found that goldfish owners tend to be newer owners
who don’t always clean their tank or maintain good water quality. If you aren’t
able or willing to keep your water super clean, then you should still use live
plants because they help keep your water clean. But if you’ve got everything
else right, relax and throw in some fake plants!”
Dr. Sullivan also suggests that you rotate
enrichment items just like you would for other animals.
Her other tip for happy fish? “Buy the
biggest tank you can afford. My research and lots of other emerging research is
starting to suggest that swimming is really important for fish behaviour and
Which explains why most goldfish were
willing to keep swimming to empty space, as well as to plants.
What kinds of enrichment do you provide for
your fish?
Galhardo, L., Almeida, O., & Oliveira, R. F. (2011). Measuring motivation in a cichlid fish: an adaptation of the push-door paradigm. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 130(1-2), 60-70.
Sullivan, M., Lawrence, C., & Blache, D. (2016). Why did the fish cross the tank? Objectively measuring the value of enrichment for captive fish. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 174, 181-188.
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