Zazie Todd on Anxious and Fearful Dogs on Radio New Zealand Sunday Morning

Listen to the interview with Zazie Todd, PhD, talking about what we can do to help fearful and anxious dogs on Radio New Zealand's Sunday Morning.

The cover of Zazie Todd's book Bark! The Science of Helping Your Anxious Fearful or Reactive Dog

By Zazie Todd, PhD

I spoke to Jim Mora on Radio New Zealand's Sunday Morning this Sunday.

You can listen to the interview here.

The topic was mainly anxious and fearful dogs, with tips from my new book Bark! The Science of Helping Your Anxious, Fearful, or Reactive Dog.

But we also talked about caring for your dog more generally, discussing the fact that some common ideas about dogs--like dominance--are outdated and you can let your dog on the sofa if you would like to, about letting dogs sniff on walks, and the best behaviours to train your dog to do.

We also chatted about some recent canine science research.

And if you liked that, you might also like some of my previous conversations with Jim Mora:

Happy listening!

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