Is Your Dog's Food Bowl Half Full or Half Empty?

How to tell if your dog is a pessimist or optimist. Artwork: Sarah Alsmiller By Sky Sobol We all know people who are optimists. The glass is always half-full, and they see the bright side of everything. We also all know some pessimists — people that see the glass half-empty and read doom and gloom into the most neutral events. In humans, it is easy to tell how optimistic someone is, but what about your dog? Does your dog see the food bowl half-empty or half-full? Fortunately, science can help answer this question. In human psychology a person’s tendency towards optimism or pessimism is called judgment bias (Roelofs and van de Staay 2017). Optimistic people have positive judgment bias and pessimistic people have negative judgment bias. Optimism and pessimism are not fixed traits, and in humans, these traits shift based on positive and negative life experiences and reflect emotion (Schwaba et al 2019). The ability to measure someone’s judgment bias can give u...