Can Street Dogs Become Good Pets?
From free-ranging dog to new home. It sounds like a fairy-tale, but how does it work out? Photo: Yanaskaya / By Zazie Todd, PhD This page contains affiliate links which means I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you. A recent survey by Yasemin Salgiri Demirbas (Ankara University) et al investigates how well free-roaming urban dogs fit into a family home once they are adopted. The results show the dogs adapt well to their new homes. The scientists say, “Every year in Turkey, thousands of free-ranging dogs are brought to dog shelters. These dogs are mongrel dogs with stray origins.” There is often a bias against adopting dogs that have been stray in case they have behaviour problems, and they can spend a long time waiting for a home. The researchers wanted to know if people’s misgivings are well-founded. 75 homes that had adopted a free-ranging dog completed the survey. Some dogs came from a shelter or vet, but others were pi